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Red Onion and Sundried Tomato Flat Bread

The smell of fresh bread is always wonderful and this bread is so easy to make and great to serve with pasta dishes, ploughman’s lunch or at a family BBQ.

Total Time

50 minutes

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Ingredients Method

A bit of this, a bit of that

  • 495g pack white Bread Mix
  • 2 tbsp tomato oil from jar
  • 200ml Onken Natural Set yogurt
  • 150ml warm water
  • 50g sun-dried tomatoes in oil, drained, chop ½ and slice half
  • 1 medium red onion, peeled and sliced
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar


  1. 1 Heat 1 tbsp of the oil from the sun-dried tomatoes in a frying pan and sauté the onions in the oil for 5 minutes, add the vinegar and sugar and cook for 2 -3 minutes.
  2. 2 Place the bread mix into a bowl.
  3. 3 Mix the yogurt, remaining oil and water together in the measuring jug, add to the bread mix with half the caramelised onions and the chopped sun- dried tomatoes.
  4. 4 Knead for 5 minutes in a mixer with a dough hook or by hand on a lightly floured surface for 10 minutes.
  5. 5 Shape the dough into a rectangular shape (32 x 20cm) on a greased baking sheet.
  6. 6 Top with the remaining onion slices and tomato. Cover with a clean damp tea towel until the dough doubles in size (1½ - 2 hrs).
  7. 7 Uncover and bake in a preheated oven 220˚C/200˚Fan/Gas Mark 7 for 25 minutes until golden brown.
  8. 8 Remove bread from the baking sheet and place on a cooling rack, cut into chunky wedges and serve hot or cold.

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Prawn Baguette

The smell of fresh bread is always wonderful and this bread is so easy to make and great to serve with pasta dishes, ploughman’s lunch or at a family BBQ.

Total Time

50 minutes

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