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Lamb Dopiaza

This traditional Indian dish uses yogurt in cooking to help tenderise the lamb and bring out its full flavours.

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Ingredients Method

A bit of this, a bit of that

  • 30ml (2tbsp) vegetable oil
  • 2 large onions, sliced finely
  • 4 garlic cloves, 2 of them crushed
  • 675g (1.1/2 lb) boneless lamb shoulder, cut into 2.5 (1 inch) cubes.
  • 5mlsp (1tsp) chilli powder
  • 2.5(1inch) piece ginger root, grated
  • 2 fresh green chillies, deseeded and chopped
  • 2.5mlsp (1/2tsp) ground turmeric
  • 200ml (7floz) Onken Natural Yogurt
  • salt and ground black pepper for seasoning
  • 2 cloves
  • 2.5cm (1inch) piece of cinnamon stick
  • 175ml (6floz) water
  • 2 x15mlsp (2tbsp) chopped fresh coriander
  • 30ml (2tbsp) lemon juice
  • Naan bread to serve


  1. 1 Heat the oil in a large saucepan, preferably oven proof and add 1 of the onions and the garlic. Cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly.
  2. 2 Add the lamb and brown all over. Remove and set aside.
  3. 3 Add the chilli powder, ginger, chillies and turmeric and stir for a further 30 seconds.
  4. 4 Add the yogurt, cloves, cinnamon stick, salt and pepper and the water. Return the lamb to the pan. Bring to the boil.
  5. 5 Transfer to the oven in an ovenproof dish and place uncovered in a preheated oven at 180C/350F/Gas Mark 4 for 40 minutes. Check the seasoning.
  6. 6 Stir in the remaining onion and cook uncovered for a further 40 minutes.
  7. 7 Add the fresh coriander and lemon juice. Serve with Naan bread and extra yogurt.

    Cooks Tip: This dish will freeze successfully for up to 6 weeks.

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This traditional Indian dish uses yogurt in cooking to help tenderise the lamb and bring out its full flavours.

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